Sunday, February 1, 2009

How to Professionally Whore for a Link on Silliman's Blog

1. Mention an obscure aspect of Creeley's work.

2. Talk about Zukofsky being neglected by the poetry world.

3. Mention Spicer and O'Hara calling the kettle black.

4. Post: "Ron Silliman's 'Runway' writings as a NY School Revisionist in Rough Drag"

5. Post: "An Interview With Dodie Bellamy in Which She Proclaims (Once Again) That She is the Literary Heiress to William Burroughs and Kathy Acker."

6. Post: "Slow Poetry Meets Flarf: Metastasis of Metaphor and Morpheme in Reading Junk Mail Aloud with Other Peoples Small Children - A Poetry Seminar Outline."

7. Post: "The Role of Bay Area Geography in the Works of Language Writing in Contrast With The Role of Bay Area Geography in the Works of Beats, With Bob Kaufman as the Bridge to Oakland"

8. Post "Ron Silliman: the Oliver Stone of American Poetic History."

9. Post: "Psychodrama of the Poetic Pixel: Blogging our way toward an important footnote or link site."

10. Post: "Phlarph vs. Cumceptual: who does Perloff vote for today?"

11. Post: "Whose fat-ass shall fill the throne of post-langpo?"

12. Post: "Can the School of Blastitude be quiet'd?"

13. Post: "Public Canonization: problematic tension between theory and practice in the poetry of working with community slack action groups."

14. Post: "Oppositional Poetics: Challenging The Chasm and Jism, The Ballet Feminist Face In The Blogsphere"

15. Post that sets off Google alerts: Flarf, Flarf, Flarf, Flarf, Flarf.

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