Friday, January 30, 2009

As poetry destroys itself in horrific anger

As nouns destroys themselves in horrific anger
As cities destroy themselves in horrific anger

As flarf destroys itself in horrific anger
As email destroys itself in horrific anger

As syntax destroys itself in horrific anger
As grammar destroys itself in horrific anger
As the SoQ destroys itself in horrific anger
As list-servs destroy themselves in horrific anger

As the Avant Terror Unit destroys itself in horrific anger
As Issue One destroys itself in horrific anger
As vispo destroys itself in horrific anger
As poetry blogs destroy themselves in horrific anger

As chapbooks destroy themselves in horrific anger

As Poet Laureates destroy themselves in horrific anger
As small presses destroy themselves in horrific anger
As comment boxes destroy themselves in horrific anger

As L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E destroys itself in horrific anger

As anti-war poems destroys themselves in horrific anger
As American Apparel destroys itself in horrific anger
As the Guggenheim destroys itself in horrific anger

As the NEA destroys itself in horrific anger
As the global economy destroys itself in horrific anger
As politicians destroy themselves in horrific anger

As teacher destroy themselves in horrific anger
As the capitalism destroys itself in horrific anger
As patriarchy destroys itself in horrific anger
As matriarchy destroys itself in horrific anger
As horrific anger destroys itself in horrific anger

Poets are left with tiniest of Molotov cocktails' shaped like
exclamation marks

1 comment:

troylloyd said...

Poets are left
with tiniest
of Molotov cocktails'
shaped like
exclamation marks
